WA Stolen Wages Settlement Approval Hearing 28 Oct 2024
The settlement approval hearing for the Western Australia Stolen Wages Class Action will commence on Monday, 28 October 2024 at 10:15AM AWST in the Federal Court in Western Australia, located in Perth.
Can I attend the hearing in person?
Anyone is welcome to attend the hearing in person from the public gallery in the court room.
The hearing will take place at the Federal Court, located at the Peter Durack Commonwealth Law Courts Building, 1 Victoria Avenue, Perth WA.
The exact courtroom number will be published on the Daily Court List at 4:00PM AWST on Friday, 25 October 2024.
Can I access the hearing online?
The hearing can be observed online via a Microsoft Teams link. You can access the broadcast by one of the following options:
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Join with a video conferencing device
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Video ID: 133 574 555 3
Tenant key:
Video ID: 133 574 555 3
Dial in by phone
+61 2 9161 1229,,258647905# Australia, Sydney
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Phone conference ID: 258 647 905#
+61 2 9161 1229,,258647905# Australia, Sydney
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Phone conference ID: 258 647 905#
Please note, the livestream broadcast link will not become active until the hearing begins.
If you have any questions regarding this email, please contact Shine Lawyers by phone: 1800 976 150
Or email:
About the Settlement
In November 2023 the WAGovernment agreed to settle the case brought by Mr Mervyn Street against the WA Government on behalf of all First Nations people who weren’t paid all their wages or money between 1936 and 1972.
The WA Government also issued a public apology and acknowledgement in the Western Australian Parliament to the surviving and deceased workers on 28 November 2023.