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The Future Acts regime of the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA) is being reviewed by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC).

Native Title holders and First Nations groups' attention to the Inquiry is needed.


Why is this Inquiry being held?

The Inquiry forms part of the Federal Government’s commitment in response to the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia’s report on the destruction of First Nations cultural heritage, A Way Forward.

What will be looked at?

The ALRC has been asked to consider a number of aspects of the future acts regime, including its current operation and how it may be improved to address any inefficacy, inequality, or unfairness.

The ALRC will deliver its final report to the Attorney-General by 8 December 2025

How can you be involved/contribute?

Consultations will be happening nationally, starting in Queensland. More information will be coming out before the end of 2024.

Have a look at the info sheet here, with more information.

  • You can attend a consultation meeting.
  • Submit a formal submission
  • Contact the ALRC at any time during the review.

The full Terms of Reference of the Inquiry can be found on the ALRC website.