Registeration deadline extended for WA Stolen Wages Settlement
The deadline to register for the WA Stolen Wages Settlement has been extended to 30 September 2024.
Indigenous West Australians who were forced to work for little or no pay - have been given more time to lodge their Stolen wages compensation claims.
People who registered prior to November 14 2023 will need to reregister with Shine Lawyers.
The settlement amounts to $16,500 for each eligible claimant, with the maximum total figure of $165 million only paid if there are 10,000 or more eligible claimants.
Up to $15.4 million will be paid for some of the applicant’s legal costs.
For eligible workers who are now deceased, the payments will be made to their surviving spouses or children.
Aboriginal Australians who worked in WA ( between 1936 and 1972) for little or no wages may be entitled to compensation.
If you think you, or a qualifying family member is entitled to compensation - registration must be completed by 30 June 2024 with Shine Lawyers.
About the Settlement
Note the settlement is still subject to approval from the Federal Court. The WA Government also issueda public apology and acknowledgement in the Western Australian Parliament to the surviving and deceased workers on 28 November 2023.
How to know if you are eligible
How to find out more
• Call Shine Lawyers on 1800 976 150
• Email Shine Lawyers at
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•Go to an information meeting at a town near you or request Shine visit your town or community