Help redesign the $5 bank note
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is redesigning the $5 note and wants to incorporate Indigenous Australian cultures into the design.
They are asking people to help design the new banknote by contributing ideas, in written form by responding to survey questions online, by visiting the RBA website HERE.
Submissions for theme ideas are open from March 1 to April 30, 2024.
Some of the questions include-
No idea is too big or too small. If one theme could honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures what would it be?
1. What theme would you like to see on the new $5 note to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures?
(maximum: 250 characters)
2. What is your theme about? How does it celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures?
(maximum: 500 characters)
3. Which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities or language groups does your theme represent?
Submission Disclaimer
Responses should be provided in writing only. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) will not accept the submission of images. Responses will be read by RBA staff and in certain cases, an imagery selection panel, and assessed against selection criteria. Please note that it is possible that the chosen theme is one which reflects a common idea put forward by many respondents or is one which reflects a combination of multiple ideas. Consequently, the RBA will not be able to provide any public acknowledgement or credit any respondents for the chosen theme. Similarly, respondents will not be notified should their nominated theme be chosen for, or contribute to, the new banknote design.
In responding to this survey, you grant a permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free licence to the RBA to use, reproduce, publish and adapt your response. To the extent that your response contains material that is owned by a third party, you warrant that you have obtained all necessary licences and consents required for the use of those materials (including for the RBA to use, reproduce, publish and adapt such material).