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Barra Parrapi RNTBC is the PBC for Nangaanya-ku.

The Nangaanya-ku Native Title holders identify as Wangkayi (or Wongatha) people and/or Spinifex people. Various Western Desert language dialects are spoken, such as Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Wongatha, itself an amalgamation of dialects created by the mission system in the Goldfields.

The social world of the Nangaanya-ku people, as well as the body of traditional laws and customs that sustains it (otherwise known as the Tjukurrpa) is firmly rooted in Western Desert tradition.

Country in the determination area holds a series of salt lakes, including Lake Yeo in the north, Lake Rason in the centre, Lake Minigwal in the southwest and the Plumridge Lakes in the southeast.

The sand plain country covering the rest of the Nangaanya-ku Part A Determination Area is predominantly vegetated by mulga with occasional rocky outcrops and escarpments. There are three nature reserves.

The first European to explore country within the Application Area was David Carnegie in 1894, followed by Frank Hann in 1903.


Barra Parrapi Aboriginal Corporation


ICN: 9571

Contact: Lucy Muir
Barra Parrapi (Aboriginal Corporation) RNTBC c/-  76 Wittenoom Street
East Perth, WA 6004

Land Area



Central Desert region,

Western Australia, east of Laverton.


Consent determinations –
Part A 29 November 2021.
Part B – TBD