Total CDNTS Service Area - 822,887 km2
Native title exists (exclusive) 626,749km2 (76.2%)
Native title exists (non-exclusive) 149,067km2 (18.1%)
Under claim 9,422km2 (1.14%)
Unclaimed 15,960km2 (1.9%)
Native title does not exist 23,797km2 (2.9%) – mixture of extinguished native title and reserves etc.
Of anywhere in Australia, Central Desert region has the highest percentage of exclusive possession native title. While exclusive possession provides the ability for native title holders to have a say as to who can access their country, it does not prevent others seeking access or lodging licenses over country. This keeps PBCs and native title holders extremely busy in responding to requests, often with Central Desert support.
Nearly one third of the Central Desert representative area is covered by licenses, claims and leases registered with the Department of Mines, comprising:
- Exploration licenses - 215,732km2 (26%)
- General Purpose Lease - 27km2 (0.0003%)
- Misc. Licence – 14,765km2 (1.8%)
- Mining Lease – 3,638km2 (0.4%)
- Mineral Claim – 185km2 (0.02%)
- Prospecting Licence – 140km2 (0.01%)
- Retention Licence – 158km2 (0.02%)
- Temporary Reserve – 453km2 (0.05%)
25.27% of the exclusive possession native title area is covered by licenses, claims and leases registered with the Department of Mines, comprising:
- Exploration licenses – 150,441km2 (24%)
- General Purpose Lease – 0.6km2 (0.00009%)
- Misc. Licence –6789km2 (1%(
- Mining Lease – 602km2 (1%)
- Mineral Claim – 4km2 (0.0006%)
- Prospecting Licence – 35km2 (0.005%)
- Retention Licence – 45km2 (0.006%)
- Temporary Reserve – 453km2 (0.07%)
While these percentages may not seem to be as large as other regions, when placed in the context of operational and financial resourcing limitations, remoteness of the area and other factors, it is a challenging environment to achieve sustainable economic development.