Lappi Lappi and Ngulupi
Rapi (Aboriginal Corporation) RTNBC is the PBC for Lappi Lappi and Ngulupi people.
Lappi Lappi and Ngulupi people hold exclusive native title rights to their determined country.“
Lappi Lappi”, is reference to Lappi Lappi Rockhole in the south of the Determination Area; and “Ngulupi”, is reference to Ngulupi Outstation in the north of the Determination Area.
These are significant locations within the Determination Area that people continue to maintain connection to and look after.
Lappi Lappi and Ngulupi people occupied the determination area and wider country until at least the late 1950s. They continue to visit it still.
Access and Transit Permits are required under the Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 (WA) to access the Aboriginal Reserves.
Lappi Lappi and Ngulupi Determination Area
Rapi (Aboriginal Corporation) RTNBC
Contact: Sarah McSweeney
Rapi (Aboriginal Corporation) RTNBC
c/- 76 Wittenoom Street
East Perth WA 6004
Land Area
Pilbara region, Western Australia
Consent determination –
24 October 2018.